
The best center of ICT convergence education in South Korea to train
the future talents of convergence who know no limits or boundaries

디자인테크놀로지전공 관련사진

Introduction to Design Technology Major

The major program to train future designers who converge software technologies with design technologies.
  • The program to respond to the future demand for technology-centered designs
  • The curricula of the major include teachings of humanities and technology-based learning opportunities concerning the interface between human and IT
  • Software technology + Human engineering / Emotional engineering / HCI and other convergent engineering + Design theories / Design engineering

→Cultivate the skills to design high-end products and services of the future

Educational Objectives of Design Technology Major

Our Design Technology Major aims at training talents in the field of design engineering who can create new industry consumer products and creative services for an ICT-centered society. For this, we teach
skills for artistic creation, methods of creation and production using ICT convergent technologies and train professional and practical engineering designers who can plan and design human-centered future